Michele Lea

I don't understand your last comment whatsoever. "Scrutiny is important even in a really, really flawed format." It has no place in a really, really flawed format. Lie detectors are not allowed in court. Too many false negatives and positives and a sociopath without a conscience could easily pass. That covers some of

I so love snark and sarcasm. I agree with your comment.

Yarn? It's a carnivore. Thus, ripping off of faces.

You're dating yourself. There's a crazy person in the WH now. Why are you watching a show that you dislike?

The monologues are the scripts he is given. Blame the writers.

When Dale was killed, there was only one zombie then. A gut-ripping zombie.

Really? Somewhat decent? Quit watching and griping already.

You've made your point. Repetitive and redundant. Move on.

A tiger chewing face is nuts.

Everyone has a different opinion. Shut it.

"Glenn passing motivated everything that followed… " What??

And he can't spell worth crap in his Tweets.

Still… Christie supposedly represents NJ, though personally, I think he is a black hole of a politician. They both are. And I'm worried about the dumbing down of America way more than NJ's lack of popularity.

Technically, they do. Carl with the puberty and all… really fast. Judith as a baby still should have grown more though. You're right about her. First year they grow fast. And where's the walking? While they were on the road that would have been tough so keeping her small someone is always carrying her. More infant

Yep… You're irresistable for sure.

Completely meh on Jessie. Didn't even like the actress when she was on "Talking Dead."

So very romantic, you are.

Or, Brangelina…