Michele Felski-Smith

Not as professors… and even if they don't say they specifically require something on the announcement… They'd still never hire you without those, and other, qualifications.

I don't understand the wire comparison at all…

There's all kinds of magic realism and stuff that's just off-reality. It might not be twin peaks level, but if you think there's no weirdness, you can't be watching very closely at all.

She definitely captures those little non-verbal moments well, where you can totally relate to the feeling she's conveying.

Why not both?

It annoys me that the way this modern female-driven show decides to show that she's grown is solely by saying "see, she's dating the normal, mature guy now!"

They like half-assedly explained how she even got a job there in the first place with "well it's a private school, so you don't need qualifications"

I was also surprised that the whole finale, which merited its own big flash-forward and build up, was just… that Hannah had a new boyfriend.

I totally agree, but wanted to comment just because your whole first sentence is worded exactly like how I imagine Shoshana would say it, and I loved that.

Oh my god, I love the Christmas album but could not believe how terrible the Mr. Grinch song was, in so many ways.