Never miss an opportunity to claim victimhood
Never miss an opportunity to claim victimhood
So literally nothing happened to Esther and she’s disappointed about it because she wants so badly to be a victim.
“For more than 50 years, the black unemployment rate has hovered at twice the rate of white unemployment”
There is enough to go around, but insatiable greed in some
Guess it has nothing to do with us still having parties, not practicing social distancing, refusing to where masks, or flat out refusing this is reality and acting like it really is a hoax. I’m in Ohio and just a day ago the police had to break up a huge party for kids in the park, just under 100 people. Someone even…
The Herb is the GOAT. You socialist morons dont stand a chance. The capitalists are always going figure out a way to own morons like you, and you’re too stupid to stop it. These trash bloggers could just make their own site and dump Herb but they are too fucking stupid to accomplish that.
There’s plenty of trashy left-wing blogs like this one that do a great job of brain washing. Most of this sites readers are complete fucking morons. Just look at the comments! Quite a riot.
Breaking News: A shameful hate crime
So, what would be the point of taking a booking photo of someone with their partial face and head covered? Are you really that fucking stupid?
Voter suppression, muh russia, racism, nazis, lions, and bears (oh my!); it is a never ending histrionic seizure from the progressive left. Feel free to leave anytime you like!
More thinly-veiled fantasies of raping a white woman from a dude at The Root. Shocker.
Nope, not voting for Biden.
Oh no people who make a fuck ton didnt budget correctly. I'm so sad.
Ya’ll laughed and praised the virus when you thought it was only killing wypipo. You showed your true colors, and now you want sympathy?
It is amazing that back in the day people could go to school without A/C, computers or iPADS, with pencil and paper, with every grade in the same room, while being poor as fuck and still be more than 11% proficient in math and reading.
Y’all just ignoring the credible sexual allegations against Biden, or what?
pro-tip for falling asleep: avoid reading hyperbolic blog headlines