
Grrrrrr. My mom’s father’s second wife’s son (yeah) basically did the same thing and my mom had to buy back a bunch of her stuff at auction, including a goddamn painting she made for my grandfather. Some people are just morally bankrupt. #trumpresigns 

If it were my family, they would sort through them and take the best of both sets before returning the rest

Oh DAMN girl.

I’m sorry but that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while. Did she bring the knives back or did she decide to try to brazen it out and keep them?

The finest Christmas memory was several years ago, while eating a delicious dinner, my batshit crazy sister accused my sister-in-law of stealing her steak knives. She went around the table and took all of the knives back and stormed out of there.

“there was no evidence of any remaining disease,” and no further treatment is currently planned. Ginsburg, per the statement, is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days.

I am so excited for this stupid teen Netflix movie. I am 36 and have watched this movie like 10x already and I have no idea why I can not stop watching it.

Yes; I just wish it were possible for people to take women seriously in the face of harassment regardless of whether or not that woman can prove she’s a cool girl or not. 

hahaha, “fifty smelly scarves.” Nail on head for sure with this comment.

I haven’t paid to see a Johnny Depp movie since 2003's Pirates of the Carribean. How is this bloated bag of drugs wrapped in fifty smelly scarves even still a thing?

My rent went up : (

It’s just not the same since Wakanda became gentrified.

so pleased about this — not just the fact of legalization finally being enacted itself, but also that it will be free to access. in america, twelve weeks might seem like a prohibitively narrow timeframe, but it makes much more sense if women don’t have to postpone procedures while they scrape together enough money for

Wait a minute. Doesn’t CBS know he’s a rich, powerful white dude? And they STILL made this decision?

CBS, the network that developed some of the worst television shows ever, handled this better than Google did.

Can I just say that I am so used to powerful men getting away with terrible acts, that I had to read this twice to make sure I hadn’t mis-read?

His mom was a woman, ok?!?!

Oh, well those couple tweets have swayed my opinion and he’s just fucking dandy!  He probably likes coaching his daughters’ basketball team, too...

Fucking typical. Man steals important moment, makes it about him or inserts himself (like the guy who proposes when his girlfriend just completed a marathon or won an Olympic medal). And now she’s forced to take the high road and be the better person, when she did nothing wrong.