This show isn’t really that kind of show though and isn’t it the last season? I’m calling it now it’s the dog.
This show isn’t really that kind of show though and isn’t it the last season? I’m calling it now it’s the dog.
It wasn’t very good (and this sort of OTT campy trash is right up my alley usually) but it wasn’t nearly as offensive as people are making it out to be. And I’m sure all of the outrage pieces did wonders for the ratings.
And not the insulting kind, where he gets a year in jail and ten months off for “good behavior.”
It’s sad how refreshing it is to get a little justice nowadays.
GOOD! What a fucking shitbag. I hope he rots in jail.
I have many siblings, most of them older than me, and even more nieces and nephews, and now even some grand-nieces and -nephews. I always tell the “kids” that if I could only have one wish I would go back in time as my current self and talk to my angst-ridden teenage self, just for a few minutes.
How did SO MANY people have negative stories to tell about a fictional person? Like what kind of people were around you that so many made up stories like that to make you feel bad?
oof someone 100% has a restraining order against him now....
I’m fifteen and it’s the early nineties. I am goth and hanging out at the goth place with all the other goths. I walk into a coffee shop and see a girl I know who is always very dressed up but tonight she is wearing overalls and crying into her cafe latte—let’s call her Ava. I ask a mutual acquaintance if Ava is…
That profile of them in yesterday’s morning dirt bag was great. It really showed how their relationship has endured so long- they both sacrifice and compromise for each other, and are super supportive and loving of each other. Definitely #relationshipgoals, in the best way.
Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon are complete #couplegoals. I unabashedly 😍 them.
Do you think your Dad would be open to adopting me? I don’t need money or anything, I just want to come over for Thanksgiving and hear Ruthie stories.
“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”
Well I for one think the Blue Lagoon children really grew up nicely.
Same! Me and my sister watched it together last night and grinned like silly little fools the whole time. Such a sweet movie.
Absolutely loved this movie, I couldn’t stop grinning the whole time! All the feels for this one - I know a lot of people get thrown off by the fact they’re in high school but as someone in their late 20's I definitely found it easy to relate to and heartfelt
This is amazingly written. I hope we get to see more from you, Sara, on this site. I watched Nanette and was referred to Esposito’s Rape Jokes, which I watched immediately. I appreciate that they approach the topic of assault and rape cultural from two completely different angles (Esposito’s is more traditional stand…