
It’s worse, they want you to sign up for protection, which in writing says you give up your rights to sue. Then they say that you aren’t giving up your rights, but it is subject to a change in interpretation later. If they couldnt protect our information in the first place, why would we sign up for their monitoring

Nice credit score you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

Yeah, not to mention they were collecting data on you against your will and without your consent and knowledge. In addition, laughably managed your data while offering to watch it for 1 year like they watched it for the entire summer it was hacked. And Congress; known for managing money well, being disappointed in

Yes, you’re supposed to pay the guys who lost your information. It’s like paying protection money to the guy who broke your kneecaps.

Yep pretty fucking scummy, the whole deal stinks like a pile of shit. If they really want to make amends they need to offer it to those affected with free service for life. It was their fuck up that left these people vulnerable so they should have to eat the cost.

welcome to the US

So because one of the largest US credit bureaus got hacked and lost personal information I’m now supposed to pay for protection service? That sounds pretty ass backwards to me.