Michał Skup

I'm more offended by that article than by song title.

Tom Cavanagh is just amazing in his role.

Wait. That was fight scene?

Actually i would prefer him to go out in blaze of glory rather than killed by pissed off angry teenager.

I'm sure that Bronn is going to die beacuse of that little dagger wound (poison?). Shame - I love that character.

Yeah, but form what i recall news about renewal came up around episode 19 (at least that's when i saw it for first time). Anyway - as I said - this ending could be also ending for show, not only for season and that's why im interested in season 4. If they do something even greater - I will get tatoo with names of all

It would be awesome beacuse this show is just a-m-a-z-i-n-g. And that was one of the best season endings ever.

That could be and to whole show, not only to season. And that's why im afraid that season 4 gonna suck. That was probably ending to whole story when cbs told "nope, let's make another season". And it should beacuse how awesome it was. There is no hope, they can hide only by living as normal people under aliases. They