mich aly

Completely understand that. I really don't think the show will go that route, but it feels like everyone's already decided in advance that it's going to happen. This storyline could end up being great or terrible, but I'm reserving judgment until I see how it plays out.

There's what she stated outright and what she implied. And IMO, she implied that one choice was superior to the other. Perhaps I am unfairly biased against this author. Being familiar with her Twitter feed, I know that a) she is not a fan of children in real life or on television and b) she has been bashing Parks for

What's "problematic" for me is when people get upset with fictional characters for making life choices that don't mirror their own. Whether or not someone has children is a personal decision. It's ok to not want children, just as it's ok to have children, whether biological or adopted. Choosing one path over the other

Maybe I'm totally misinterpreting the dialogue, but that's not what I took from that quote at all. All I thought Leslie was saying was that she and Ben have been through so much together, Harvest Festival, the campaign, the recall, etc., that they can handle anything at this point. With all that behind them and

This actually isn't quite accurate. Last season at the end of Jerry's retirement episode, Leslie tells Ben that while they'll always have work, she wants more than that and wants what Jerry has. She then shows him a scrapbook called our family or something along those lines and tells him they should take a real day