Michal Jenner

This was the best episode yet and the review above was very,very unfair. No offence to Kevin but I think the problem is less to do with the show getting things wrong and more to do with Kevin just not liking it.

Oh heak I hope that blasted Mantis isn't going to become a big character,I hate her and always have. Also what was with her dress. I mean in a kids show? Really? I hope this show isn't about to ruin itself because it's been good so far.(well other then a few episodes.)

This was a very good episode and shows that the show is getting better(couldn't have been much worse then that last two) I think Maximus was a bit silly but other then that it was very good and I hope the show continues to be so.

This was a very poor episode and really did not do the show any favours. Oh and for the record rabid raccoons do Not act like that at all and raccoons are NOT rodents. Clearly the makers didn't do much research.

First, bad moon rising, and now this? Man this show is losing it. I really like this show but these last two episodes have been very poor. :( I really hope they do better next week.

The best CGI kids film ever and I do mean ever.

The best CGI kids film ever and I do mean ever.

I have to say I thought this one was poor. The planet's voice was annoying as was Quill at times but by far the worst thing was Rocket. Clearly the makers of this show have NEVER been near a raccoon and have no idea at all how a raccoon acts. Maybe the makes were trying to show that he was rabbid but that in itself