
Came here to read the hilariously ignorant comments of pissed of femi-nazis, was not disappointed. You idiots realize that lawyers are found in contempt all the time? Arguing a case can get heated. What he said was absolutely true, as far as the spoken record part, and it sounds to me like this was more a result of an

True enough I can respect that, but I sit here among many Midwestern independents and wonder how on Earth she’s going to win these states. And Gary Johnson is not an attractive candidate for independents. So I worry.

No one gives two shits about Gary DUDE WEED LMAO Johnson


Right, but it starts being partly her fault when she exerts her political power to coerce them into silence

Bill engaged in pedophilia, though.

Psssst: go Google her emails new friend. Her own words showed she lied to the American people for days after, and she’s admitted she intentionally “mislead” the public because of the fear of terror.

Wow so radical that he would have an opinion different than yours, better attack him for wanting to protect the life of the unborn according to his religious principles. So tolerant of you.

You’re either very dumb or a very poor troll. Never said she was black, just that she was a black separatist ideologically and here’s a secret: minorities can be racists against other minorities, as evidenced by the fact that she was a black separatist. Do you know what a black separatist is?

Joanna, I’m confused. I thought the White House was a gun free zone. So how did a gun magically show up in the zone? Shouldn’t that be impossible?

The belief that black people would be better served by pursuing their own civilization back in Africa than here in the US is probably the most oppressive prejudiced thing an Asian could say against a black?

I stopped reading after the first paragraph. Higher education degrees include an insane deal of social classes; 16 credits worth of sociology related classes in each masters. Childhood and adolescent psych and human relations are requirements for even a bachelor’s. These categories are included because the student

Let’s look how far I’ve gotten:

Still awaiting your response? My posts are still up and my point about learned helplessness still stands.

Doesn’t mean she was A black who WAS a separatist....means she was a black separatist ideologically

Did you not read the part about her being a noted black separatist?

Ever heard of “learned helplessness”? Even MLK and African American scholars today credit it as the “most pervasive issue facing the upward mobility” of blacks

I bet you’re a nigger. You’ve got the built in “I’m right you’re wrong cause you’re WHITE” all over you. Flag it all you want. Will you answer my question if I edit out my slurs or do you just not have an adequate response?

So all you can do is call me a racist? You don’t even want to try to refute my argument? Or are you afraid you know deep down I’m right, and that setting up a quota for any group of people and basically coddling them/lowering the bar only helps them to stay in a marginalized class?

Nigger logic is fun to try to follow - “it’s not their fault if they already got discriminated against” is basically your argument