
I think the lesson here is that in our liberal-infested society, only whites our racist, and only minorities experience racism

When a person does not have the average fat roles/lack of hygiene/shaving that your typical Jezebel writer has, they tend to look like this. I’m sure it’s quite the reality check but there’s no difference and no alterations

Yeah everyone stay safe during fag month!

I don’t think he should settle anyway. She’s clearly a manipulative liar and despite the entrenched view on this website that women can do no wrong, I think she’s in it for his money

When will black people realize that lowered expectations and quotas HURT progress forward instead of helping it? This isn’t equality. And white guilt and white demonization doesn’t help solve the problem

Not possible. Britain’s gun laws are way too restrictive and not many people own guns. And all my liberal friends tell me that’ll prevent mental cases from owning guns

Muslim-approved. Very tolerant

The idea is a Muslim Mayor wanting women to cover their bodies

The Muslim Mayor would disagree. Now go put back on your burka

A Muslim Mayor thinks women should cover up? Shocking. Way to bury the lede Stassa


So when Pew Research did a poll that said 82% of Muslims believe adultery should be punishable with stoning, that’s the ideology speaking? Okay.

And before some ignorant libtards jump on, I’d like to point out that some Christians are against Muslims too. But bathroom issues pale in comparison to killing 50 people.

One carpet munching fake Indian dyke endorses a lying fake dyke on some idiot dykes show and liberals piss themselves with excitement. The tears are going to be delicious in November.

Oh lord this is real? I honestly thought it was a joke by that guy that wrote for SNL. And if you hate on it because its a shit reboot of a classic, you get called sexist and literally “Trump” supporters by fucking Jews like Judd Apatow

What’s with all the ads on Gawker Media now? You guys really not sure about that 140 mil settlement huh

Should be tagged under “Jews” or “Jewish influence”. We don’t need more of this smut/degenerancy peddled to our malleable children. This is probably why Walt Disney hated the Jews? Now they’re running his corporation. Sad.

“regardless of their position, accountable for their actions.”


Man, even the “serious” “journalists” are now beating me to the punch. ‘Pretty nice digs for a community organizer’ I thought to myself, ready for my facetious shitpost. Takes all the fun out of it. Hmmph.