The part where black people were wearing them.
The part where black people were wearing them.
They get death threats from the other officers.
There needs to be an addition to the warning sign; when the girder detects an impact (accelerometers are cheap) it should light up with an arrow pointing down and it should read “I warned you. dumbass”
Alarming, but not the least bit surprising.
I think it did its job admirably. It was moving. Then it became storage.
Seriously, I read the comments before watching the video and thought “come now, they can’t be riding that badly”. Turns out they can and they are. Talk about being all over the road (both lanes!).
One of those deaths happened in their own back yard, and this is how they react? Way to escalate the tension, dipshits.
If only one of those security guards had been wearing a good t-shirt to stop the bad t-shirts!
I rode a moped through a parkinglot once, and a Powerwheels bike when I was 10. I did a better job than that guy.
Yeah I’m a rookie... and lead biker guy makes me look like Valentino Rossi.
“Just a couple folks carving it up.....” I’m not sure I would use that term for what they were doing....maybe ‘wallowing’ ;)
Its finally happened in real life!
For real, this whole time I kind of thought something like this was going to happen at the end of MGS5 and Hayter was just told to keep silent about it but even when the “real” Big Boss appears in MGS5 it’s still Sutherland. It’s such a missed opportunity.
Bonus Feature: It talks as much as Snake in the video game.
Yep. And the bathroom. Oh, yeah, and the art glass was removed from the windows on either side of the fireplace. (Is there a word for those? If there is, I oughtta know it.)
My husband (then boyfriend) and I used to walk my dog in his neighborhood and gawk at this beautiful craftsman with an ocean view. It was for sale for 2.4 million and we dubbed it our lotto house. Cue some intense landlord and roommate drama which at one point reduced me to tears, and I was perusing Craigslist and the…
Victorian? Girrrl, it’s Craftsman or nothing, imho.
They really have taken an affront to this facade.