Michael Zaite

I bet the Nazis would have been easier to beat if Wankel's engine had been widely used in German military vehicles and armor.

Pretty sure the Wankel was invented by Barney Coopersmith.

When I first read the headline I thought you meant this guy:

You mean, new Chevy.

Colonel, what about Metal Gear?

Cave Johnson here! Now I know there has been some bad publicity and pointing fingers over the recent sinking of one of our Aperture Science cargo ships in Pacific. I would just like to reiterate once again that our ship was not carrying transdimensional portal technology and wasn't sunk due to a spontaneous fire

You are not alone. It is the physics man, the Mario physics are all wrong. Why does Super Mario Galaxy play so well? The physics are basically the same as those that we loved in Super Mario 64. And by physics I mean, how the jumps feel, the slippery nature of the running. How high you can jump and how long it

Did anyone else automatically make this association? Because now I can't un-associate it.

Skylab >other space stations for one reason and one reason alone: its first inhabitant was this guy, Charles "Pete" Conrad, third man to walk on the moon, all-around bad ass and pretty much our greatest astronaut ever.

Really Wrenchski?? A very good NSX these days costs about as much as a new Camaro SS but that is not the point! Since when is it bad for somebody to come up with an innovative idea that people like to make money? Ugh..sorry..this pissed me off!!! This attitude that successful people are what Lucky? given it the

Just because he has money, he's supposed to give it away?

LeMons is a hobby that people do for fun, not a way to make any money. He, and the Lemons team, put the infrastructure in place so we can go play race car driver. Nothing wrong in making a few bucks in that process.

He drives a 20 year old Honda? What a rich, crooked bastard!

The Barnstable PD has a long and proud tradition of dealing with arrogant assholes who can't drive:

I shall quickly and succinctly explain what NO ONE IN THE WHOLE OF THE WORLD (well, the USA specifically) seems to understand that is the direct reason young people don't drive: WE PO!

America used to be like other countries and have cheap used cars, that is no more. And the associated costs, espescially if you

Most of the internet is basically a framework comprised of corgis and cats. This was inevitable.
