Oh I’m sure some real adult party has hired a clown from time to time.
Oh I’m sure some real adult party has hired a clown from time to time.
Especially the customers. Seriously, I don’t need my things made, fixed, and sold to me by miserable people wearing fake smiles.
“Fortunately, Summit1G was white, and so was able to not get killed before he had a chance to explain what was actually going on, and that he was only in the park to catch Pokémon.”
I work as part of a family owned manufacturing business, I think the only dress code we have is Underwear goes INSIDE the Pants.
So at that point why bother towing the line if the company has nothing stopping it from being petty and disloyal at the drop of a hat?
That rule is going to be so screwed up in like ten years.
Hah, you say that like you actually mean it.
These kind usually are, because they get way too drunk, way too fast, (gotta take the Mommy/Daddy medicine to make the voices in my head stop screaming.) And you can goad them into doing shockingly embarrassing things.
Right, because it’s not about how well you do your job, It’s how “Professional” you look.
He always comes out ahead on F1 negotiations because he starts reading poetry at his opponents.
Shares? So you’ve never heard his poetry then?
Poor Fabiana, She’ll never see her mother again. Bernie wouldn’t spend a dime to save his own mother.
I’m a HUGE MGS fan, and yes, Snake eater was the Master Piece. Everything after that started trying too many new “things” that just mangled game flow.
Agreed. Pull most of the telemetry and let the engineers figure things out after the race. Teams should get Fuel level, basic brake info, and major systems go-nogo. Force the teams to sort things out before or after the race, not during.
Oh definitely.
The Manga is better. Too much had to be “simplified” to work in animation. His Excessive line work is one of the great things about Toriyama.
I wish they would go back to the “Looser of the presidential election is VP” system.
PROFESSIONAL Armchair Quarterback!
And yet, who won and who ended up with a DNF?
Knowing your car is part of racing. You don’t bounce NASTRUCKS off the walls. But I don’t think he was doing that intentionally, he was already going into the wall the second he dived down.