Michael Zaite

Yea but lowes has better tool and bolt and screw selection.

20 next year.

God we’re so old.......

I liked the one with the yodeling mountain climber more.

The other alternative is a proper mental health system that can find people like this BEFORE they go Froot Loops and get them some kind of help.

No shit. Someone has to balance out the Hate Blowjob Gawker and every other news outlet is giving him.

Well now the Olympics are Absolutely going to strike off a global pandemic...

I have a friend who has 100% tunnelvision when he drives. Completely oblivious to the world around him, just watchin them lane lines.

White people in the middle of the country, Never call them “The Po-Po” just don’t.....

The funny part is that asshole in the pickup is going to vote for Trump in November.

Damn, I was about to say Tune up.

Cars weigh typically over 3,000 pounds.

And make it a Used Bike. That way you pay attention and aren’t distracted worrying about putting a scratch on it.

Damn it he TOLD me he only steals Hamburgers.

Now playing

It’s pretty easy unless your on gravel or marbles.

This was a really good demo Harley does at the shows. Nothing like practicing it on a bike that ain’t yours.

No but after a couple HOURS I’d sort out how to wiggle out from under it if I was in the Dirt.

And that’s before you get to scratching an easy to replace $150 set of bars, not paintwork or functional parts.

Right Bering failure, *WINK*

So just make it a Spec Miata Series?