Michael Walsh

There aren't many places in the Bahamas that aren't near the sea so I think it's possible that the entire country could look like this. 

It’s pronounced Throatwobbler-Mangrove…

How do you know they’re genuinely sorry? Or does journalism give you special insight into human souls?

I call shenanigans. No one has ever read more than the first fifty pages of Ulysses. No one. It is only as dangerous as any other hard heavy object that can still be thrown

I think you skipped right over the best characters in the show. Fez and Ashtray.

Eh. It was a hard fought win. England had more possession. They gave as good as they got. Luck was simply not on their side with the VAR recalled goal and a missed penalty. Then they were down one player. Person of the match for me is the referee. Both sides worked her hard but I thought she was fair.

er, nope, thats Bradley

Were her molesters and rapists brought to justice???

Yeah, the 80's was a period of decay for the USSR... the economy was slow and all the post-war infrastructure was starting to crumble, the cars were still stuck in the 60's and 70's, and the government had no idea what they were doing. Furniture and certain home goods were persistently scarce, with people waiting in

I want to live in this universe.

Woulda been much cooler if they went with Jughead.

“Is this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible 
To feeling as to sight? or art thou but
A dagger of the mind, a false creation,
Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?”

Did they really put a sentence fragment in their press release?

Lori won the whiter areas to the north along the lake. You know who they’ll be voting for. Toni will lose.

Yeah no one seemed to have had any basic understanding of what Holmes was talking about. This wasn’t some app where, yeah, a dropout with some knowhow and an idea COULD pull it off, or fake it till you make it. This dropout was claiming to do what others have sought to do for decades, namely, eliminate or reduce the

This is such turd bullshit. I could probably avoid getting hit by a drunk driver by never again taking to the streets for any reason—but if I were to be hit by a drunk driver while out and about, it wouldn’t be my fault.

I think that by not entering any gymnasts as USA athletes, but allowing the individuals to compete under the Olympic flag makes a pretty good compromise, and that we could do for a few olympic games.

That first paragraph is all sorts of messed up. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say overall. Which attorneys asked for more time? I assume you mean the city’s, but is that the police department delaying things?

Tesla is one of, if not the most shorted stock on the market today. And today’s short game has become one of bad publicity anyway you can manage it. 

and I’ve been in grades 6-8 for ages.