Michael Vincent Bramley

Well in the original comic, Kitty was the one who went back. Like I said, Rogue would have been a better character for that seeing as we as an audience have more emotional involvement and history with movie-Rogue than movie-Kitty, and this version of Rogue always filled the 'Kitty' POV role more than Ellen Paige's

That's the plot device created exclusively for this movie to justify sending Wolverine back. It's a really bad justification too. The time travel device could easily have been something more conventional, like a machine or power that transports you physically. It’s just sort of daft because had they sent literally

The film was a lot weaker for the lack of Rogue in it. Rogue would have been far more sensible candidate for X-Men time traveler than Wolverine (who could have appeared in the past as a younger guy anyway). Rogue was always more central to the X-Men movies, whereas Kitty only had a significant role in the least