Just starred you. I'm doing my part!
Just starred you. I'm doing my part!
I would like to know more.
I said this over on the Gizmodo article, which is just slightly below Gawker Prime in attracting right wing crackheads, and will say it again here. Ben Carson needs to have his medical license stripped. he is a lying pandering jackass using fear to advance a political agenda, which is his right. But he then loses the…
That is horrifyingly funny. The kind of joke that steals the breath from your throat and punches you in the solar plexus. Jesus.
On Friday, a major moment in the 2016 election season happened with little to no fanfare: one candidate endorsed…
Im not an electronics expert but that thing looks low tech beyond belief- maybe it is North Korean ?> relays Chinese tv back to the fatherland
Peanuts helped me realize that the kids, in general, are little assholes, when I was around 6 years old.
THE KISS. Lord, I remember back a few years ago visiting one of our more particularly racist branches of the family tree. An uncle had that particular Star Trek episode on and was shocked when they showed that scene between Shatner and Nichols (apparently it was also blocked out in Texas during the original run too).…
Whatever employee at Tesla designed this thing is clearly a big fan of Hentai
John Scalzi is a Hugo award-winning author of science fiction. He’s also an occasional columnist, a regular (and…
The answer is always A-10.
WTF would us Squids want a POS? We have been saying for years we dont want a single engined POS for blue water ops. Just keep buying Super Hornets and retire the regular hornets. Would have been a ton cheaper.
The last time dog fighting was considered obsolete was Vietnam. Many pilots died because of that thinking.
I always thought that was obvious?
ALSO, they are given free entry into clubs because women bring business. Men don’t want to go where there aren’t women. Its their desire to get their dick sucked that inspires business to let ladies in for free.
No sex on her terms. These dudes are, by their own avowal, rapists.
Yeah, that’s when it stopped being funny.
I am sure they thought about that and pronounce their names differently.
I, personally, like me some Gauge: