Michael Varian Daly

I first saw it in a shithole theater on 42nd Street while tripping my ass off on Purple Haze. True story. lol

Already gone via da Copyright Po-Po's.

That will be us in a few generations, though I expect we'll be prettier. =)

Yes. That detachment freely allows what would otherwise be more or less sociopathic behavior without really thinking about it.

I'm six foot five, weight a bit over three hundred pounds, have a deep New York theater trained voice and look kinda like a Satanic biker. I have no doubt that the vast majority of those who have trolled and harassed me on-line would not say fucking 'boo' to me IRL.

tl;dr ...both threads and article.

While I quite like him as Sherlock, I despise by the entire so-called 're-boot' to the point of physical repulsion.

Yah. Just a tad tacky, to say the least.

Totally. The Hologram has implanted them in our brains. =)

"Ray Winstone...was reportedly chosen because he's one of the few actors who could actually look physically imposing next to star Russell Crowe." Indeed.

I'll buy that for a dollar. [a Ronny Cox sideways/crossover reference]

I wanna see the Chuck Palahniuk cut.

With Bob Newhart playing the hospital administrator.

Who is this...'person'?

The only plausible reason for aliens to attack us is to wipe us out before we become an 'off-world problem'. Given that, all they'd need to do would be to nuke us from orbit or some such.

I think I'm going to dislike this even more than the last so-called 'Star Trek'. *spits*

Two words: bit torrent.


No space for you!

The key to humans becoming a spacefaring race starts at L-5. Build an industrial complex there, one with rotating platforms to create Earth normal gravity in the general living quarters, with it's industrial sectors mostly in zero-G, which would also allow for some significant technological innovation.