But I thought Kim said that bitch is a good word, a term of endearment that her husband calls her all the time. Kendull needs to take it as a compliment
But I thought Kim said that bitch is a good word, a term of endearment that her husband calls her all the time. Kendull needs to take it as a compliment
fuck off
Wow - really nice way to engage with your readers. What I meant - and clearly I didn't say it correctly so forgive me for not using the exact appropriate words - was that the woman deserves your respect by making the headline clear about the abortion she chose to have - no judgment on my part and I'm deeply saddened…
I must have missed the “impossible” part, let me watch it again...
Good lord. Are you really that blind to your own coverage of Clinton during the primaries? I mean, really.
They always do, one way or another. Thanks.
Mind you:
Apple can no longer innovate on the hardware side and get people to update their hardware to generate profits, so now they are going to force people to update their hardware using software. Software that essentially gives iOS features that Android already has. If there was ever a doubt before, this is not Steve Job’s…
This is the Fuzzy Tussauds filter and it’s no friend to anyone.
Stalin was a terrible ally in WWII, but the Nazis were defeated and the Holocaust stopped much earlier than if he hadn’t been involved.
In the founding fathers’ time, an armed citizenry actually served as a check on tyranny—but in the age of multi-million dollar force multiplier (i.e., smart bombs; tanks; attack helicopters; etc.), not so much.
To celebrate the return of spring?
Could you please explain to me how their popularity should be handled? Like, should they have never had made music?Are they allowed to try and use the genre of rap to express themselves? please explain
So, the crux of your argument is that if the music is “bad” (as judged by you and/or others...) then the artist is not allowed to draw from black influences or explore black sound... because it’s appropriating black culture to sell “bad music”
I agree with this so much I thought I might have actually wrote it and forgot about it haha. You nailed it my friend. I don’t need to be the savior of the world time and time again (standing next to 50 other saviors). It was fun just being a dude in a big world meeting some other dudes.
I guess I don’t understand how the Nostalrius guys “reverse engineering” the data leads to implementing the data “in a completely different way.” Maybe the specific context of enemy hitpoints is misleading, and what he’s actually referring to is more complex, along the lines of scripting A.I. behavior. Because I feel…
I loved the story in MoP. It was wonderful to see a race that didn’t have war as its primary concern. But then watching the Horde and Alliance ruin their way of life was heartbreaking. And the Pandaren still demonstrated far more wisdom and positivity then anyone else. so while it was genuinely dark at times, it also…
What I miss most about Vanilla is just the sense that your character wasn’t some ultimate badass and the story wasn’t driven completely by some world ending threat. It was about the World of Warcraft and going on adventures. Only “The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj” patch was about a world ending threat and it was very well done.…
So let me get this straight. Instead of ignoring him after the 10th email (and perhaps blocking him via a simple spam filter), you retaliated and "featured his app as the worst app of the week." Then, after discovering he was 15 years old, you decided to post many of his desperate emails on your site along with a…