Michael T. Nixon

Take care of the gumbo! Go to the Roux, Start Celery, Onions Garlic! Bouillon! (players: Bouillon!) *coach raises right arm* GREEN BELL PEPPERS! Medium-low heat, sausage, simmer ONE TWO THREE!

Yes you are, to Barry’s ever-lasting shame.

The hijabs cancel out. I learned that in my Muslim Math 101 class at Trump University.

I’m trying to figure out the logical end of this thought that isn’t “it’s okay to withhold the rights of a person in hijab if it’s by another person in hijab.”

I swear that is true, too.

Who the fuck are the announcers in this game with the whole “he definitely deserves to be ejected”. He didn’t even deserve the first one. Brothers you need to melo out.

he will continue to sit for as long as Trump is president.


Yeah, no one questioned Obama’s citizenship and claimed that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in this country. That was...something different!

Plug for Housing Works in NYC as well, particularly great for donating clothing, housewares, books, LPs, CDs, but also cash money and volunteer time. HW advocates politically for the rights of underserved NYers living with HIV & AIDs in addition to providing direct support in the form of medical care, housing, and

Adding some local NYC orgs here:

I’ve gotten a lot of emails/tweets/texts about other organizations to add to this list—too many to properly respond to—so I’ll add a few more here. But before that:

Please add the Brennan Center for Justice to the list. Two of their big issues are voter suppression and criminal justice reform. They also do great work with getting money out of politics and upholding privacy laws.

Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

I can’t wait to hear how many black friends she has in the coming days. Answer: many.

Cowboys Executive: The way it works is we get ourselves in a good position and we don’t make a move again until it’s over. Got it?

No idea how he got a hold of Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke’s speech.

It is odd that a soccer writer demands resolution of every plot.

Stick to soccer, Haisley.