Michael T. Nixon

Petition the MLB to change RBI to “right ball injury”, and order will be restored.

And Cam Newton. After this past super bowl when he lost, I heard people literally saying that the “good guy won.” Last season, white people especially were writing letters to the team management about how they didn’t like his “flamboyant” nature. And yet, he still did “we’re all the same color”. Dude, these people do

I’m a “secular progressive” who used to live in the South, and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been called a traitor for my worldview by Confederate flag wearing mouth-breathers wearing a “the South will rise again” t-shirt.

The gesture said nothing of significance. They didn’t pick a side on police brutality and racism. The Seahawks remained neutral, which is a lot like saying nothing at all.

he’s a threat to the playing surface w that take

“Oh, goddamnit. Now everyone is going to think I’m a Colts fan.” -Rex Ryan

In a related story the Yankees announced they will be adding a $50 “We’re not dead yet” surcharge to tickets for remaining home games this season.

A huge man abusing a little guy at Penn State, where have i heard this story before?

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the fetishizing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

This post seriously doesn’t do justice to how unbelievably awful Mushnick is here. This man is the Shelob of Mount Take.

There’s no respect any more for being straight and white in this country.

Something seems slightly disingenuous about having “Salute to the Military” on the fourth preseason game, which is probably ALWAYS your lowest attended game.

Marine here again. I can’t stand how conflated “the flag” has become with “the military.” I also can’t stand the knee-jerk “patriots” whose default position toward the military is genuflection, and anyone who fails to bend the knee is shunned. These are not the hallmarks of a free society.

Non-American here, not really getting all this noise, I was under the impression that the purpose of your military was to protect the interests of the country abroad and (when required) defend the country and constitution from attack. If that is accurate, then does the military not EXIST to protect the right to free

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Enjoy this footage of white supremacist Craig Cobb learning that his DNA indicates he’s 14% African.


CTE is real, folks.

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very good SNL sketch about this phenomenon:

Using veterans as a reason to be upset by a citizen’s completely legal protest is a copout. The purpose of protest is to make people uncomfortable. The ugly truth is that this country was built in spite of and purposefully against black people in particular. I think his protest is justified, especially if it means we