Michael T. Nixon

Yeah, I’m sure the coach who missed a game so that he could attend the funeral of one of his former players in College had a problem with Al Horford being with his family for the birth of his child. What a prick this Felger guy is.

Do Less.


I think that the real issue here (as I am sure many others have pointed out) isn’t necessarily the fact that Musburger wished Mixon well in the future, but it’s that his violence against woman was an afterthought that he would not have even mentioned on the air had it not been for the backlash that forced him to

I thought #Jerrah was bad...

The NBA schedule makes no sense...how have they already played 4 times?

They release them tapes pretty quick when the cops on the scene don’t shoot anyone.

A Jets spokesperson says that Richardson was talking about Miles, not the game. According to the spokesperson, Richardson did not say, “Where the hoes at, doe? Fuck this game,” but, “Where the hoes at? Don’t fuck this guy,” referring to Miles, whose Snapchat account was being used.

The NBA over/under preview he did on his pod with House was literally nothing but scenarios in which Boston trades for any conceivably available player. Cousins, Beal, Paul George, Klay Thompson, C.J. McCollum...and the kicker...Boston would only have to give up Amir Johnson and the worst of their stable of First

Much love for Sheed, and shout out to TNT for letting them speak on this. This whole concept is dope.

Update....this couldn’t be more important now that it’s pretty clear that Ben Carson may be tapped to run HUD.....really bad news.

“Winning is sustainable” Man....that’s beautiful. I’m a Knick fan and I loved every minute of that game last night...like Donovan said, literally every stat can be tied to winning plays. I may have counted like 3-4 ill-advised drives/shots. He’s the definition of unstoppable.

Anything is better than these.....

I agree with the overall premise here, but I would add Dan Patrick to that list with Olbermann.

“Shot won’t fall” has to be the undersell of the year.

The Celtics announcers definitely voted for Trump.

Thank you so much for including this, and for those who recommended the post. You’re all awesome people. Blessings.

Please include a pitch for my employer the Fair Housing Justice Center. I am the Legal Coordinator here and we are a private non-profit that investigates housing discrimination in the NYC housing market. One of our investigations was featured on Episode 2 of the new America Divided series on EPIX. One of our major

Stanchion- 2, George- 0. #DosACero

I honestly wonder what else to the guys holding those mic’s expect to pick up?