Michael T. Nixon


Kinja at it’s finest.

Kudos to Cubs fans for not being NEARLY as insufferable as those Masshole Red Sox fans.....Bad take Billy being chief of insufferability.

It is actually arguable that they are getting more out of Schwarber then they would out of Soto....Soto is a relief pitcher that clearly was not high on their pecking order (so we are talking garbage time in a blowout either way or coming in when the Cubs are behind to hold the deficit) given the fact that they just

“as we move from symbolic gestures to action...”

Good teen, and great kinja.

“What I would do is strongly take issue with the point of view that they are expressing when they do that.”

Who are they?

This is everything. Donaldson had a lot to say to CC when the benches cleared the first time. Then the second time, when CC bulldozes through everyone and gets right in front of him, he slid a few of his teammates in the way....way to go (fake) tough guy. I don’t mind the Blue Jays bravado so long as they take their

The fact that she was utterly unfazed by that stage collapsing just sums up where we are at right now with the Trump “campaign.”

Of course Buck had to make his way out of the dugout to whine about something....so annoying.


Prayers and F-bombs....sounds like #RepublicanTwitter.

For those peddling that black-on-black crime garbage narrative, notice how long it took for charges for be filed and for them to be held without bail.

He should have retired after Back2Back...it’s been downhill since then.

It is interesting because I think even the managers that utilize the shift the most (pretty much everyone does) by-and-large hate the shift. With that being said, implementing a particular defensive strategy that is centered around your opponent is simply part of the game. No one is going to be mad at defenses for

Brett Gardner’s catch the other day was way better. Stop it.

do less.

As a Yankee fan, I have to say, that A-Rod’s greatest contribution to the franchise was his invention of the helmet toss game after walk-off homers in 2009 (followed closely by snatching helmets off of home run hitters in the dugout...which has been duplicated by a lot of teams now). They should just let him stick