Michael Thigpen

Who said anything about my feelings? I'm talking about empathizing with people outside of yourself and your own viewpoint. You seem stuck on yourself, unable to see any viewpoint but the one you've been told to believe.

Right. Understanding how people feel is "denying reality".

Personally, I'm thinking of making a profit off of this by creating a T-Shirt with the words "Racism is Evil" with the Confederate flag below and the words "Southern Pride is Good" below the flag.

Um, you do realize that article is about political beliefs and beliefs about affirmative action, right? It's not about membership in the KKK or white supremacist groups.

Irrelevant to the issue. The Confederate flag represents the white Southern farmer and the rest of the South just as much as it does the plantation or the farms where slaves were used. You asked for what it meant other than slavery, and I answered, and you just point back to slavery.

No, I don't. From the data I most recently read, it's that 75% of blacks think the flags should be taken down and 58% of all people in the state. So, it fits my thinking that the flags don't represent most of the state and for that reason should be removed.

It depends on what you mean. Is it connected to racism? Yes. Is it a modern symbol of hatred? Not really, except for a few extremists.

There are some people so fanatical about pushing back against the anti-flag sentiment that they'll try to deny that there was racism or that the flag was connected to it. That's nuts.

Yes, slaves. But also white farmers who worked their own land. They also existed.

Perhaps they don't know the history. Or maybe they do, and accept that part of their heritage includes the shame of having owned slaves and the defeat at the hands of the Union army.

You're the guy who talked about farts, man. You stank it up.

If they act like racists when parading the flag, then they're using it as a symbol of racism. That's just not my experience.

You're equating bodily odor with symbols.

You're equating bodily odor with symbols.

That's a narrow-minded view. Reducing the South to just slavery and racism is pure ignorance of what they are. The South is full of hard workers, people who built up the country, helped one another, and created a unique culture and and society worth every bit as much as anywhere else.