Michael Theriot

It's just that, if you want to play a video game, you pick it up and play it and enjoy it. Letting some one else tell you what to do defeats the purpose. You can sign up for a local basketball team if you want some guy to coach you.

I don't need help sleeping because I'm not LITERALLY the devil.

It is of you did it because the instructions said to.

I'm not going to pick apart your list. I just don't understand how you people sleep at night.

Discovery is a feat. Following instructions to their conclusion is not.

The only reason to grab a guide is that you want to 100% complete without putting in the effort to find everything on your own. So it's not really like you achieved getting Excalibur 2, so much as Brady Games just gave you Excalibur 2. Which is boring.

What's the use of even playing the game if you're just going to have a guide tell you what to do? It's like going to a show just to read the set list, and then leave. Or buying a book but reading the cliff's notes instead.

What the hell is this crap?


This whole thing is a hot mess because of the 'related article' interruptions. At least on iOS it is. Can you guys kill that shit?

You could be the smartest person in the world, but only nimrods would take you seriously when you use words like 'Obunglar' and 'Dimocrats'.

Far Cry the Hedgehog

Why are those kids in the picture all asleep?

Which makes you part of the problem.

So what you are telling me, is that if I win the powerball right now, I can live in hyrule castle AND have money left over?

Maybe she can hook up with the man who's wife died in the limo fire last week.

My erection just got an erection.

Listening to her speak is like listening to a hateful old racist bitch complain about everything.

"Think Resident Evil meets Counter Strike meets I don't even know what I'm doing"

Charles Whitman went on a rampage, killing 17 after a particularly gruesome round of hardcore team death match.