Michael Theriot

It’s actually even worse than that.

I'm going to say it's as bad, since the only thing separating talentless music "artists" from talentless pop music "artists" is overplayed bad music. That aspect is driven by fans, not musicians.

boring lead guitar, and speak singing is a genre? Well, okay then, I guess in that light it's amaaaaaaaaazing.

I appreciate their passion, but this song suuuuuuuuuuuucks.

Another layer of acronyms that are easily scrolled past? Sounds like a pretty big deal. Tell us more about it.

I would say if the game hasn't been published, then it wasn't made, since publishing is a pretty necessary part of the making process.


Wow. Way to put a trigger warning about cutting. Now I'm going to go cut myself.

Yea man, totally. Everybody should just be paid with the knowledge that somebody else is happy with their work. That's how I pay my rent, by appreciating the nice house my landlord owns.

After breaking bad, I assume everything is a money laundering business.

BUT the wii U is a little bit of console, and a little bit of handheld.

You fuckin' told all of us. I bet we won't make that mistake again.


This is bad, guys. This is really fucked up. We need to do something about this ASAP. According to these figures, I will almost live until Waterworld becomes a reality, but not quite. We need to step up global warming right away. I'm thinking it might be helpful if I build space heater testing facility inside the

I seem to recall a bunch of devs jizzing there pants about the wiiu and giving a bunch of testimonials about the awesome things they could do with it when it was announced. I'll reserve my excitement/disappointment until regular people start giving us some feedback on it.

Sounds like a pretty gay diary.

It seems pretty clear that this letter was the result of a wealthy person out moneying a regular person that he wronged using the American legal system. Until THIS is fixed and the playing field is fair for everyone, the majority of Americans are doomed to be playthings for the super wealthy.

I blame the schools.

Like football players playing football against baseball players playing baseball somehow? I would probably pay for this.