Michael Sliwkowski

To be honest I walked out on Eyes Wide Shut. It just seemed all wrong and felt like watching a rough cut; the Illuminati orgy seemed overblown and just bad to me. I liked the original story and the Fin de siecle setting, updating it to NYC in 1999 left way too many plot holes and I thought Cruise was terrible. It

"Witches of Eastwick" was one I walked out on. The George Miller/ Road Warrior/Mad Max treatment to the story was fantastically bad, and it was just dumbed down and empty. Can't we get beyond Thunderdome?

we've talked them down to a booting

And I for one welcome our new car overlords, I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground gas refineries.

we were part of the rhythm nation

"Moe is their leader"

Do you prefer to just pat yourself on the back for agreeing with the opinion that vaccines are NOT a-okay and have ONLY flaws worth discussing ?
And re: "a toddler with no real immune system of it's own "…when leaving the womb, babies are immediately surrounded by millions of bacteria in the birth canal. If the immune

"Breast-fed infants ingest about 7 milligrams of aluminum in the first six months of life"…..so you are just a shill for the Breast milk industry, admit it. What are they paying you in milk money? Just another Hu-cow pizzagate shill. LOCK HIM UP!

full disclosure, I am a paid shill for Aluminum,.there is no escape, join us.BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR ALUMINUM GOD !!!!!.http://www.aluminum.org/aluminum-a…

Perhaps because "The quantities of aluminum present in vaccines are low and are regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).

no, wait…this is good…..(lights fuse and runs away)..ahem:
"But the FDA says it is OK sir, why would they lie to us?"

Witches of Eastwick was the worst film I ever paid to see. Sp pointlessly gross and just so stupid to have the "Mad Max" guy direct it, I mean…why? I felt betrayed by Tommy in that Ken Russell had some talent and I liked Pete Townsend and it just got worse and worse……Lisztomania was so childish and stupid I felt like

oh…I don't know. It was a flop on first release; I suppose it did OK on late night/cable……one thing I know in this crazy mixed up world is that "Nothing but Trouble" really sucked

That is because it is a rewrite of a horror movie "The Sentinel" with Aykroyd -speak mixed in. Like "Airplane!" which had its basic plot and dialogue from the film "Zero Hour !" If Aykroyd was allowed to be the solo force behind the script it would have been "Nothing but Trouble" or "Doctor Detroit" but even worse. I

he was….he thought about history quite a bit. Did not seem to help him stop destroying himself and others, but he did think about things. He even kind of got what "All in the Family' was about (tho he liked Archie Bunker, as you can imagine) https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I wanted Yaphet Kotto stories: "Did you mess with that?"

Maher was/is a failure as an actor and as a stand up…outside of reinventing himself as the new George Carlin sucking up to ( and feuding with) celebs who want to be pundits and pundits who want to be celebs, he has never said or written or appeared in anything of substance. Remember the old ABC episode when he blamed