
"Dead Elvis" still gets heavy rotation in my home.

So, this begs the question: What happens when HBO decides to acknowledge the revenue stream that is letting anyone from anywhere in the world buy individual shows on the Internet? Yeah, the 20 million TV subscribers make the network a lot of money, but a billion worldwide for one show would be better.

Hey, remember "Dead Like Me"? Remember how George was an adorable newbie ghost who spent the first little while learning the ropes of the afterlife? And then remember how it was revealed that she had a special destiny and then the show was canceled and all we got was a bad movie with no Mandy Patinkin?

Bad things happen to characters for the sake of a good story.

I had to review two and a half seasons of this show for an old job and I've found myself defending it on more occasions than it ever deserved. These days, I'm free of the responsibility and I happily tuned out after Finn took a knee a few weeks ago. Reading this review, I couldn't be happier to have jumped ship. Sue's