Michael R Trice

Agent My IcebergMelted.

How did they let that muppet version of the Master on screen? Flashbacks to Smile Time Angel.

How THE HELL do you pass on a lifehack joke when old dying dude is talking about hacking death to a hacker?!

I really felt like the show was hitting me with one hammer after another. I mean, the show had been dour but kinda subtle until tonight. When the least in your face element is Nothing Else Matters as background music, you know it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

I miss Kerbey Lane

I just want an entire episode solely through Jason's eyes for the finale. It should involve him riding off Bonnie and Clyde style with Newlin. No Bill or Sookie needed.

This is definitely a B-horror series with great visuals and inane characters. Well-acted idiots who die in visually interesting ways. I think I can roll with that.

The reviewer addresses that directly in regards to the Black Boss Lady trope linked. That character certainly exists, but she doesn't have anything resembling a story yet.

The redemption of Ginger makes the flashbacks worthwhile.

Dear god I wish I could share this story.

Yeah, that was a special kind of bad and boring. Can't decide if my HBO genre expectations have changed that much or the show has truly plummeted so far. I'm going with both.

I suppose. I know it would be more an evil eating itself message, but Lester killing Malvo and then falling in the ice on the run would have been deeply satisfying for me. I like the idea that evil eats itself and good holds the world together just long enough to let it happen. But that's clearly a slightly different

While the lack of wood chipper disappointed, I enjoyed the finale. There's just enough acknowledgement of Molly's police work moving everything into place: keeping Lester from the body, the confession of the chief, the interrogation of Lester that implies she's after the second glove. I'm still thinking about Gus

It's going to take me a minute to reload this crossbow.

As my wife pointed out, it was nice to see HBO get to re-use Carcosa for The Children.

I think Lady Stoneheart requires so much backstory to explain that they couldn't do it until next season. Tysha is such an inner monologue element to Tyrion that I can understand dropping it.

But it was important because Shae is so much more likable in the series than the books. I had serious concerns about whether Tyrion would even kill her in the series.

Coming apart at the seams? While there were some missteps this season, it was also one of the most compelling seasons of tv I can recall. I agree that there's danger in the sprawling story lines, but the genius here is the way the tv writers unite those under thematic headings in each episode. It's the themes that

"I came in third Amy. Even the Nazis came in second." So ends one of the best comedic seasons I've ever watched.