Oh. Well, I'm all in for everything Evil Dead-related. I only meant, "And here's more proof of AoD." Though, "Alas" makes it look like I'm disappointed I guess.
Oh. Well, I'm all in for everything Evil Dead-related. I only meant, "And here's more proof of AoD." Though, "Alas" makes it look like I'm disappointed I guess.
Confused by your second sentence. What?
I thought the "with" might have thrown it off. Either way, I do apologize. Having said that, I would advise maybe not looking at reviews before the show? I stay clear of any online publications and networks before watching my favorite series, especially any social networks.
How is it a spoiler? I don't say he's dead. If anything, it implied that Pablo cleaned the house? Whatever the case, I've amended. Sorry.
They must.
Yeah, ever since Pablo was possessed in last season's finale, he's been on the chopping block.
The entire episode was laced with foreshadowing. So. Much. Foreshadowing.
Well … that's groovy then. Thanks!
I don't know what to say Frasier. Thanks for reading.
Are you sure? I love "Dr. Groovy" instead. But I thought he was implying she needed to stop being the nurse and start being Ruby.
Agreed. I wish he had been like this all along.
Sigh. It all boils down back to the book at the end of the day, which is why I said, "Ken Kesey’s legendary work has been parodied and referenced to death since its publication in 1962," and not "Miloš Forman's legendary work has been parodied and referenced to death since its release in 1975." I know the visuals were…
I don't really think it's too bizarre to admit. I thought it was a fitting episode in a week that felt all too surreal, as well. I also really, really want that goddamn puppet.
I thought some of the stuff with Chet a few episodes ago was very Stooge-like.
I loved how Campbell made the puppet so damn personable.
I like that. White Album of Horror. Clever.
Nah, you're not missing much at all.
I just went with the stat line of the late Detroit Tigers hero Ty Cobb.
People sometimes skip the first Evil Dead movie when they talk about the series, and since Cheryl was essentially erased from the flashbacks in Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness, I've known a lot of people who didn't even realize that Ash HAD a sister. >>>