Michael Roffman


That's my brother's go-to.

Very cool.

Jameson. Accept no substitute.

Haha. Make it happen, bunksteve. Make it happen!

It's such a weird thing, but it's nice to have a character realize how absurdly screwed up what they're doing is. >>>

Having seen the latest episode, I can, indeed, confirm this: Pablo is fucking ripped.

Just keepin' you on your toes.

I was too. Maybe a Halloween II-type of use.

Spot on.

I know. Personally, I'm a little worried as to whether or not Pablo makes it out of this season alive. I can't live in a Pablo-less world, Lincoln.

I would have loved seeing him channel more Wiseau. Or actually channel Dourif rather than just looking like him.

I think they could have waited for her to come around to Ash maybe one more episode, especially since we still hardly know her.

Yeah, seeing Kelly get protective over Pablo was nice. It's so cool to see them being more of a brother/sister pairing … just as Kelly expressed last season.

Loved that pancakes call back.

My notes read "poor man's Brad Dourif."

I felt her development was a little rushed. Plus, the way she flips her emotions toward Ash and Emery on the dime was a little sloppy.

I actually had that in the bottom, but took it out last minute. I loved that exchange and that tracking shot is the best part of this episode for me.

You always were an asshole, Gorman.