Michael Reynaga

well done man! I could not agree more, I often play around with my diet just to see how it affects how I fell and every single time I consider a diet I always ask "can I live this way?" I refuse to try any diet that is only for a short period of time, to me it doesn't seem healthy if you can't eat that way every day,

is there even a way to know if someone unfriended you? who keeps track of this???

iPad: iTap RDP / Kindle / Plex / iBooks / Browser (Safari)

they're forgetting the most important ingredient.......hate!

but triple your risk for cancer.........

the problem is that with phone screens getting bigger and bigger the 7 inch tablet, I think, is becoming obsolete. I've got a 7 inch EVO View 4G and an iPad, after picking up the Galaxy S3 a week ago I haven't touched the 7 inch EVO. the screen on the S3 is brilliant and big enough that going from 4.8 to 7 inches is

but is there any development going on with WinMo like there is for Android? sure you may not get the latest upgrade officially but with CyanogenMod you are rarely left out entirely. ICS was supposed to be impossible for the Nexus One but it is running just fine thanks to CM9. so at least with Android you can root and

I've got the Saucony Hattori AW's and I love them! plenty of room super comfortable and LIGHTER THAN THE VIBRAM FIVE FINGERS!

I've always used the wine line for beer pong

but isn't everything you post on Facebook a "Look at me, look at me" move? otherwise why notify x number of people on a website at all?

because they are not talking about the hardware, this is just the OS and they did start at version 1 and are now at version 6. the phone hardware is irrelevant when it comes to what version of the OS they are on.

the argument here is iPhone is better for hacking and the only reasons given are because of how much easier it is, not only to hack but to develop hacked apps for.

torrentfreak? does that mean it is not taking into account usenet users?

Easier does NOT equal better!

or he posted it while saying "watch how many dumb mother f&%&ers I get to copy this"......

I never knew this was there, just set one up, THANKS!!

nevermind, this isn't the point, I was mostly interested in why we make these decisions. the decision itself is irrelevant, my main point was what makes us chose a human over other evils?

agreed, I like the idea of preventing the creation of all religions. not saying I am right or wrong, again I just find it interesting that blaming one person is such a popular idea.

then what about diseases? I didn't really think through all the ramifications of any of these scenarios I just found it interesting that (almost) everyone immediately goes to Hitler when there have been far worse things