Michael Reynaga

why is the iPhone in that list?

I was always really excited about an iPhone on Verizon (company pays so I HAVE TO have Verizon) but I have really gotten used to and now love Android (especially since Froyo) I have always loved my iPad as well but I am now seriously considering trading in the iPad for a Galaxy Tab when it becomes available.

I was always really excited about an iPhone on Verizon (company pays so I HAVE TO have Verizon) but I have really gotten used to and now love Android (especially since Froyo) I have always loved my iPad as well but I am now seriously considering trading in the iPad for a Galaxy Tab when it becomes available.

@TheFu: RAID 5 works with 3 drives but what @TheMightyBuzzard meant is in the article they say 4x2TB = 8TB of usable storage. which is incorrect, 4x2TB in a RAID 5 would give you 6TB of usable storage.

might as well just call them a liar. you are essentially saying I don't believe you, draw it!

having an issue with one part in particular, eventghost, as it does not seem to be working properly.

apparently it's already been jailbroken, if this can be made to run XBMC and play 720 content it would be awesome as currently my xbmc clients run about $200 based on the ION, this thing is smaller and half the price.

installed and watching an avi file right now!

Office2 HD has always allowed editing google docs. works great

@maltesh: actually Google has already stated they will NOT re-submit their app. so it doesnt look like we will get an official Google app

@Les Mikesell: you still need something to actually make the call with, I have used groundwire, its $10 but works really well.

@MazdaMania: I am somewhat cloud based, all my music streams from Subsonic on my home server.

how about instead of a parade and funeral you just make a mobile OS that isn't complete garbage!!

interesting that Google submitted an app and it was rejected and now they say they have no plans to resubmit a native app.

@Tenacious_Z: also, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature, asian american, please.

@BlueToast: It's HORRIBLE!! bought a bottle a while ago and was so bummed and how bad it tasted and it smelled even worse

@tomsomething: same here, everything looks great on my site on the ipad except photos opened using lightbox, its choppy and not as smooth.

I fit quite a bit of magic into 6......