Michael Pullmann

Juxtaposing this movie with Mad Max Fury Road really highlights it. The alt-right HATES that movie, and it's basically 300 with the moral axis flipped. Immortan Joe is a post-apocalyptic Leonidas, selling his crew a myth of Spartan supremacy.

I'm gonna have to add "fauxpressed" to my lexicon.

Going to London in a few months. Gonna have to visit this store and give them some of my money. Possibly in exchange for a book.

Interesting read on Man of Steel's Clark Kent. He struck me more as a self-involved schmuck who resented having to save people.


"That's one… sneaky… kid…"

Well, that was a chore. You obviously remember the period well (better than me, anyway), but for me, a 4000-word sneer starts to grate around word 1500 or so.

It was a Hallmark Christmas movie for some reason, but yes, it happened.

Krypto's actual origin: Jor-El put him in a test rocket that was supposed to return to Krypton, but malfunctioned. Years later, it crashed on Earth, and Superboy was reunited with his old dog, who he hadn't seen since the traumatic day his father put him in a rocket and shot him into space.

Ellis's Thunderbolts run is good precisely because he recognizes how ridiculous and fucked up the concept he was handed is, Penance included, and leans into it. "This is what they want? Fine, then, I'm going to give it to them, good and hard." He shows exactly the self-awareness that CIvil War didn't.

As for why Spider-Man is in the middle? That's so they could make a massive change to his status quo that they could then retcon away after the story, giving them an excuse to also retcon away his marriage, which they didn't like because it reminded them they were old and were never going to have the inane sex comedy

They weren't going for a gun control allegory at the time, but a war on terror allegory. They fucked that one up, too, though. The simplicity of the "freedom vs. security" narrative willfully ignored the fact that the things being done in the name of security were both appallingly evil and stupefyingly ineffective.

I was amazed when this got reffed on Flash last week.

The big one for #12 is "organic." There are organic skateboards now. How can a skateboard be organic?

That confrontation, at least, has the advantage of powerful dialogue (and, usually, performances), and also only being four or so minutes long.

It isn't even fascist, it's nihilist. Say what you will about the tenets etc.

I'll give you "wealthy", but whatever made you think the Academy was made up of intellectuals?

Which hadn't gone up when I made my post.
And certainly hadn't when AV Club posted this story.
Pardon me for expecting journalists not to run a story until they're sure it's true.

You're really gonna run with this when the only sources are "some guy on Instagram" and "some guy on Twitter"?

Jesus, Whoopi Goldberg is terrible.