
Someone with better google-fu then me needs to find more pictures of this yellow ranger. One without the helmet would be nice :)

@redHouse: I like to think americans compete differently then asians over cosplay.

@BonnyKay: Cosplay is tons of fun!

The real question is...How does this benefit me?

I was a bit concerned. My pre-order said Jan 5th and the page said Dec 7th. I am sure they would have updated pre-orders but I did not want to wait. I canceled my pre-order and reordered and I have a Dec 7th date now.

@landonkun: I hate when anyone from any country says. "ummm do I know you?" I mean...do you have know someone to be nice to them? That shows how bad of a person they are.

I was expecting a dick in a box.

@Whitson Gordon: I bought of the new economical mice from MS with the blue light tech. Button started squeaking and then broke after two weeks. My old intelli mouse 1.0 lasted 7 years.

@SkipErnst: They need to design the suit around wearing a helmet for military use. My guess being based on a US soldier using it. It would suck if you made this nice exoskeleton but could raises your arms above your head cause the suit became blocked by the helmet. Worse yet the helmet gets caught while raising your

@johnthompson1: The book costs 3.00 but then they charge a 4.99 convenience fee for having the book digitized. :P

@ImmaLion: I get your compaison man. :) Looks like almost standardized starting area.

@Dexomega: Can I lead SG3? They are the Marine Search and Rescue team. someone has to pull your butts out of the fire :)

@Robulus: Duh, you manually dial it. A lightning rod can charge the capacitors to make a connection. The offworld gate can then feed it power.

@southerngeek: Oh yeah it spins, smoke comes out and everything


Is this like FF14? Made for ps3 and ported to xbox? I am guessing ps3 will be the best copy for frame rates and texture quality?

Before I got my Droid X I had a 2g iPhone. When the contract ran out I unlocked it and used it on ATT prepaid. It was basically a dumb phone at that point. I used it for txt msg and to make calls. I did not use any apps with it.

Hardware is only as good as the software written for it. Radeon 5870 is a great graphics card but it would be nothing without the driver support.

@relic1980: You sir, get a star sticker on your geek card!