I like it. I dont mind floating the guy $1.50 for making my day easier.
I like it. I dont mind floating the guy $1.50 for making my day easier.
Will you be doing performance oriented optimizations such as OpenCL or CUDA to leverage the gpu more? My core i5 2500k maxes out in WvW and I get 17fps. My gtx 680 only sit at 40%.
It would make more sense to buy a pcie extender cable for $5 bucks and notch the carrier instead of maiming a video that you may want to sell some day. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PCI-E-PCI-Express-1x-Riser-Card-Extender-Ribbon-Cable-/220659545894?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3360557726
Why not just use maple syrup? Comes from the sweet sweet bud of gaia.
Lots of nice outdoor sunny pictures make any camera sensor look good. Lets see some in door birthday party shots with lots of movement and low light conditions.
Most gunpowder used today has an oxidizer built in. so yes a gun should work on the moon.
Why didnt you mention the tablet is getting honeycomb CONFIRMEd by HTC?
@HitBit: Hardly easy. Takes years of exercise and not eating good food to have that body. And probably some cosmetic surgery.
@Xucuroz: You may have a 10 year old HD still working but would really want to use it? That thing has to to be small and slow.
@GanymedeJupiter: RE movies rates by ME! Best to worst!
@Raso719: That is a good thought. I dont know. SSD prices would really need to drop. a Blue ray dual layer is 50gb. SO you are looking at ssd in cartridge form needing to be 50-100gb in size. Currently that runs $80+ bucks.
Yeah it was kinda broken. I had to do some trickey. Like rename the exe to DAO so that the SLI profile would work. I got a good 65fps. But it crashed alot. Good to know there is better performance in the release today.
If the texture pack worked on the xbox I bet it would be 1600 points :P
@The MSJ: I was not locked. I was able to use dx11
@The MSJ: rawr
@speraider430: If they want you buy a banana condom then thats all they will sell to the stores and that is all that will be available to you.
Congrats AMD. You may just be back in the race.
So are the denisovan females hot? Thats all I care about.
@Sunwind: I agree! Also, why don't the dwarves have beer keg totems?
@Paradox me: blizzard? balance? hah!