
@Wayne Ripley: The POTS line have been working an effective/reliable for 100 years now.

@The-Ohio-Player: what would you both do if you had been born in a time when we only had corded phones?

@thepaisano: I believe 100k writes is rated at 5 years?

@dougdeep: Actually I have a 2nd gen intel macbook pro.

@Shiryu: Tau please! will order on site on steam.

@junior ghoul: Yeah, dont get me wrong. I dont hate XP.

@infmom: Did you ever wake up suddenly and think you are drowning?

Next they will try to patent "Apps"

Its coming. In the form of smartbooks. Like the Lenovo skylght.

@finnigan16: I do not think that will happen. They will start offering more cores at lower speeds. Of course this means a larger surface area. So we may see phones like the iphone goto 4inch screen just to get some more internal space.

@somarix: Poor dialog translation is bad enough.

@junior ghoul: XP needs to die. Stop living in the past. It had its long time and its over.

@colorme: It doesnt project with laser?

I still waiting for a smartbook. Like the lenovo skyline.

@anduin1: Isnt the entire point of computers, databases, scripting and such to make all that stuff non-human oriented?

@Nulls: Even MMO name changes should be free.