I just got my Droid X, not really impressed with this review.
I just got my Droid X, not really impressed with this review.
Very Wii looking.
@pist: I agree.
@ToastyUterus: The post above says it cant be retroactive based on old forum policies.
@YellowRex: Every ISP I know makes your accountable for your unsecured WIFI connection. It is in your best interest not to share it.
@Gameslaya: Well I imagine they get it off your credit card or paypal.
@1-linux-2-rule-them-all: You are right. # = pound key on the east coast of USA phones.
It need GPU accel rendering like ie9
@Nathan OBZZZZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZ: That could be cool. Then you could get the free HDMI to your pc assuming you have the nic/video cap combo card.
@CarbonatedFalcon: If you hold it wrong it doesnt work.
@redman042: I like braided jackets....and gold is shiney!
The antenna issue on the iphone 4 is a feature. When my boss calls while I am at the beach I can just touch the bottom of the phone and pretend I am going into a tunnel.
@Scott Lahn: I got ff13 and signed up but no beta key :(
@ssj4Gogeta: Agreed
@mrantimatter: Its a shame they are now losing some of the values and going to far with others.
I am surprised how bad the Droid X looks in this test. I assume they are using a reference Droid X as they are not out yet. Maybe some firmware tweaking or drivers tweak will have this a little better in the consumer release version.
@Alex McMillan: Trine is awesome specially for $5
@WaffleTeamStrike! v26.00: I can see the 3640 being OCed to 1.3, 1.4ghz