Michael Okoro

Yessssss!!! Going to watch all previous Seasons today.

Poor Asher …not a single one of them had his number, I mean i'm sure they all have the Puppy's.

I was immediately skeptical when Freakshow was announced …mostly b'cos i didn't find the idea of a circus scenery/setting compelling enough. The best Season was Murder House, Coven had so much potential but never rilly truly lived up to it. Asylum on the other hand was a big mess ….this new season is an even bigger

I like Khan, a lot & for Carrie as well, I like him for Carrie. I'm glad Ducky's days of super secret spy games are finally over ….can't wait to see if he's flipped to feed bad Intel to the Pakistanis or if he's made to suffer for his treachery. I hope he's humiliated and chained upside down while facing an angry

Best comeback line —-> 'I'm a Jew'
Aayan, Quinn and now Khan …Carrie's lady part is spoilt for choice this season.
Lockhart was so fucking badass, I love this new awesome aid-withholding Lockhart. And thank heavens Brody was only an illusion …not sure I would have continued watching the show otherwise.

Great Episode, grade is a bit harsh. Quinn's moral conflict is getting quite frustrating - does he realise he's suppose to be a top CIA personnel?
U could see Aayan has had some sort of effect on Carrie when she smiled after he wriggled his way out of the Military shake-down. Looking forward to the rest of the season.