Michael O'Day

You've decided that he made it up, that's not the same thing.

Well, he's right that religion is a huge part of ISIS belief system. Even they say that. Did you forget to include the part where he equates them with all muslims? Isn't that what you were trying to show me?

That leaves you without any quotes, I'm afraid. It's probably easier to see with your head buried in the sand though, eh?

Which claims have I made? That you're wrong? you've provided plenty of evidence for that already.

Thanks for the discussion, but until you stop making claims up out of thin air, I won't be responding further.

Still just asserting nonsense without evidence, I see.

In this conversation? It's the way you grossly misrepresent the opposing opinion in what appears to be every instance by setting up extreme strawmen and knocking them down like you're the champion of something.

You've invented bill maher's stance here.

ITT; The ultimate irony that after Bill Maher criticized islam he is accused of attacking all muslims during an interview where Sam Harris says liberals keep confusing criticism of Islam with attacks on all muslims.

I don't offer quotes. You say he's being a bigot, so prove it. I'm saying you have yet to offer any sort of evidence. it just seems like you are determined to paint him as a racist bigot, so everything gets twisted to suit that.

Even if you weren't, you can criticize any bad idea you like at any time. it's not like it takes up all our american strength and time to bitch about ted cruz. You can catch them both in the same sentence if you like.

"I'm saying that using information to condemn and vilify 1.5 billion people is wrong.

Thanks for the clarification.

I addressed this in another spot where posted these quotes, but the short version is, you've misunderstood the first one, and the second one is question and even if it weren't I don't see what is condemning to all muslims by doubting that they are just a few bad apples. It seems perhaps that you've gone an assumed

go on, quote it, I dare you. Find the racist and bigoted things he actually said. We'll wait.

Islam does have a shit tonne of bad ideas, like death to apostates and the subjugation of women. Instead of shit tonne, sam harris said motherlode. Would you care to say how many good ideas islam has or are you really just annoyed that they are so ruthless with their criticism?

If you're attacking his attitude and not his facts, you are not participating in the argument, you're just saying you don't like the cunt. Which is okay, but it's important to know the difference.

Damn, is he anti-vax? I hadn't heard that.

He's saying it in an inflammatory way, but it's true. It's the only religion that will kill you if you leave it. That is not something that people disagree with, why can't you call that shit out? They're killing people for christ's sake.

What's your point here? Republicans do it too, therefore…