Michael Nagle

I am really hoping (REALLY hoping actually) that Marvel uses Mads well in this role. And not be a useless villain for the overall plot. Looking at you THOR: THE DARK WORLD wasting a Christopher Eccleston!

With KING RALPH now available I can finally do the We Hate Movies challenge with:

If this were to happen then he is a bigger piece of shit then I thought.

Oh Ellsworth for sure.

I'll echo what I said in the SquaredCircle sub-Reddit:

I totally see why this is a thing. At casinos (Vegas, Atlantic City, etc) I find myself watching people play rather than play myself. I am more addicted at seeing these touch screen, loud slots play out than gambling on them. There was a machine at Vegas where it was a touchscreen Monopoly game. Wound up playing the

I loved that "Loose Loomis" running gag so much I eventually made a Radio Poster for the shock jock himself. Enjoy:

You don't fuck with David Simon. He fucks you.

Looking forward to a list of Lost Films. Always fascinated how many films are lost cause of shitty reasons.

Gary Cole as a Trump surrogate sounds amazing.

It would be GRRRRREEEEAAAAATTTT if the Texans could get their shit together here for an important division match up. I mean the AFC South is garbage, and sadly I must lump my Texans on there, so it is not impossible for them to still win the division. Then again they can easily blow it to the fucking Titans if we

Morally this is horseshit and Billy Bush needs to accept his fate & move on.

Carter is actually the heel here cause she promised Corgan a lot of control but she has now decided not too. So she brought someone on to apparently save her own company but she refuses now to let it happen. Her arrogance in a company she herself ran into the ground cause of poor decisions knows no bounds.

The reason I'm fine with this joke match with Styles/Ellsworth because we knew it was a comedy bit from minute one. Ambrose is, normally, a comedy figure so him being the ref brought some good moments. And even if Ellsworth did pin the champ it was through shenanigans and to advance the story of Styles v. Ambrose.

This looks batshit insane…but PURPOSELY SO.

God this show got terrible within three seasons.

With this news and the recent revelation that Disney has a script for their live-action Mulan with a WHITE male lead (who also is the focus and not the titled character) it is a sad day for non-white actors in film.

That WE HATE MOVIES episode on Pet Sematary II was golden. So many great, one liners especially with the potato truck. I died with the "avalanche of potatoes" by Andrew.

Going to be a tough balance to do this without making it like Daredevil but….well Danny Rand can see of course.

Just from this trailer alone I can tell the tone of this is going to be ALL over the place. They want this to be grim and serious but it is very hard to when you got silly looking villains or our heroes in (awful) costumes. I have a feeling them hiding Zordon and Alpha 5 might mean they look ridiculous.