Michael Nagle

Great cast, great writer, and a solid director…HOPEFULLY this means a good film.

Very upset over this.

The X-Men were hot shit during the late 80s, through the 1990s (their heyday) and going into the new millennium. But with all this popularity their history and continuity got insanely convoluted even for the comic book industry. By the time Grant Morrison left his run (and I enjoy it for the most part) it really put

Oh the X-Men are much, MUCH better off never interacting with the larger MCU. They are so badly written and even Marvel has no idea what to do with them on a larger aspect. Keep them in their own bubble and we're all good.

But they clearly can't make a FF movie a financial or critical hit. Just make an agreement with Disney like Sony did with Spider-Man. They can still help make FF movies but let Disney come in with their writers to make it work.

It can't be this hard to make a great Fantastic Four movie.

"Now Andy I'm not here to TAKE OVER your film. I'm just here cause the studio thinks it's a piece of shit and want someone with ACTUAL experience to make sure this waste of a time adaptation gets out on time. Can you believe we're doing a JUNGLE BOOK movie after Favreau's already came out? Hey, why am I still talking?"

Dumbass athlete says dumbass things and get his dumbass fired.

Well I guess this creep needs to get back to Vegas in the next couple of months.

This entire story ends with Chuck being committed. With him putting this "trump card" Jimmy is never going to ease up even a little on his brother anymore. And, as we saw these last two episodes, it doesn't take much for Chuck to have some kind of spell to justify some asylum.

Not only is this good news for a reunion but the premise of this sounds amazing! I would love to see the original as well but that is a great idea for a story.

Chuck certainly isn't perfect man as we've seen this season. But let's not forget:

I kinda wish they would just expand already and do other countries at this point. I love those Aussie episodes and when they dip their toes into Irish history/figures it's hilarious too.

Well there goes LOVE IT OR LIST IT as the only, major TV presence to fight back against NC's anti-gay laws.

It's the only good scene in POMPEII.

It is pretty bad when MELANCHOLIA is an "upbeat" movie for Lars Von Trier.

Right. And I get that and for the most part that is something most people should be aware. America does not do a good job letting us learn about our history. I'm not for censorship but I understand why SOME aspects need to be toned down. But I am still amazed how much I learned about our country on my own devices

Oh there certainly an uplifting message to end the film. But the path to get there in THE ROAD is pretty bleak. As to be expected with Cormac McCarthy.

Here's the thing about THE DOLLOP:

ZOMBIELAND is actually a really great example. Terrible universe to be in but the characters make it fun. SHAUN OF THE DEAD is actually a really bleak universe under the surface. So many people die in horrible ways and despite some funny moments it still is a universe I wouldn't want to be apart of.