Michael Nagle

Yeah but…I guess you could say that's uplifting but it doesn't feel…Well it's a bad movie in my mind and way too pandering to teen audience (which they were going for).

It's nice when a show decides to revamp itself but only on anything practical. AR is still the same show but with better graphics and background it feels new. More shows should do this.

Has there ever been an uplifting apocalyptic movie? Sounds contradictory I know but these TWD series are so god damn depressing. Even the original DAWN OF THE DEAD, which doesn't really end happy, had some nice moments of levity.

Don't ask me why, but I finally decided to watch the movie NO HOLDS BARRED. Guess because of the recent Hulk Hogan news I had the stomach to watch what is one of the worst movies in history. I mean it certainly is one of the worst movies I've seen that's for sure.

Uh, Bes-CUSE me!?

Well when you mention in public that you lost a ton of money creating this show it tends to think you need to stop the bleeding.

Action Comedy or a Horror movie. Cause no other genres will work.

It's gonna happen soon. Something will break between the two, like Sony, where both Deadpool and the greater X-Men universe will join the Avengers.

Hoping this is good cause, even as a lifelong Radiohead fan, The King of Limbs was….well it wasn't good.

Yeah this is where the show started to fully lose me. The Elektra debut was rough but it made up for it in the few episodes before this one. It just…well it gets worse from here. And it also hurts The Punisher's story line by a country mile by not putting more or equal time with it.

This isn't method acting.

Michael Keaton as The Vulture….

Looks good too me.

A lot of people are saying this looks like a rip off of both THE MATRIX and INCEPTION.

It's a really great quote and I get that Bane ultimately dies by fire (cause those Bat bullets must REALLY be explosive to the human body).

I was a little upset Bane ended up being a heavy at the very end of DARK KNIGHT RISES. (A film where there are MANY issues.) Although he does play the twist well enough I don't believe a man like Tom Hardy and the character he portrays would go so far into his role to help someone else out.

No one can be worse than Robert De Niro.

Now I like the idea that Superman is so powerful he can HEAR everything including all the cries for help.

Part of me still wishes the idea of video chains (national or local) still existed in a major capacity. Cause while we've replaced it in digital form there was something about going to a store and seeing shelves upon shelves of movies at your fingertips. It's the same when it comes to comic books as I prefer HOLDING

I mean….good on Cage to stop Vince after doing a terrible thing. The video doesn't show anything that happened beforehand though.