Michael Nagle

Maybe if Bruce and other, notable celebrities did this BEFORE the bill was passed then maybe it never would've been accepted into law.

At first I thought: Hey he's gonna play Red Skull!

I never understand the hatred for this show. I find it absolutely hysterical and I haven't seen a bad episode yet from them.

I remember me and my sister got suckered into this because of the cast. There was a lot of great people involved and even if there were a couple of clunkers it didn't mean it would be bad.

These two working on THE BOYS makes much more sense than a PREACHER adaptation.

God, INSOMNIAC WITH DAVE ATTEL was just amazing when I was a teenager. It still is actually when I caught up with it on the only DVD release it ever had.

I do not recall that at all…

I watched it and thought it was very entertaining. Much better than the actual Wrestlemania.

I don't disagree with you per say. But a match still needs to be entertaining despite not knowing the full on drama for why it's happening.

I will say this for the show:

By the way, WWE is pushing hard on this animated series they are making.

This was my first ever Wrestlemania seen live. But also, my first WWE event in a decade. So my ignorance is showing here cause I am not 100% aware of the full roster and all the storylines. But I researched enough to figure out the basics for each match.

Cannot wait for the hardcore fans to come in and claim all of our complains, and of the reviewer, is illegitimate and should never be taken serious.

Fool me once AMC with The Walking Dead…

Biggest bummer of the weekend?

I am so down for this.

Always a great sign that a major re-write is in order when we got a few months to go. Not unique as it's happened before (even with the biggest of blockbusters) but it is never a good sign.

It is amazing to look at the history of the ROCKY franchise.

It's still a dick thing for him to say but still: It's boxing! You're getting hit in the head/body constantly so the stink of death hangs in the air. Especially if you are a washed up/out of touch fighter that Apollo was at that point.

As WHM also pointed out: It is entirely Rocky's fault Apollo died. He was his corner man and instead of throwing in the towel he watched as his friend died in front of him. I understand pride was on the line with Apollo but….you wanna live another day right?