Michael Nagle

I see The Walking Dead on syndication at The CW! And I don't think they censor much of that.

This show got to 100 episodes!? Wow.

I so want Tom Hanks to get back into the comedy scene….This isn't it.

And at the end of the day if that's what happens then I plead ignorance and will change my tune.

Maybe get another actor? I'm sorry but I think it brings about a larger issue is that Leslie Jones' "style" of comedy is antiquated at best.

You got me there…hey wait how are we typing this?

And I'm sure that is going to be her path in the film.

Yeah…this doesn't really solve or improve the idea Jones is a stereotypical character in this. Maybe McCarthy playing a 'brash/loud' woman is also typecast but you know what? When I see McCarthy do that kind of role I don't feel like I time traveled to the 1960s I how mainstream Hollywood portrayed women of a darker

Looking at Spidey's suit it does look A LOT like Alex Ross's version from the series MARVELS by Kurt Busiek. Which I appreciate.

Like, I know trailers aren't the final product but come on. That's an embarrassing mix of ADR and CGI. Looks like I'm watching Spider-Man from the 1990s.

I would've been so stoked to see Spider-Man in this if that wasn't the worst, most obviously rushed ADR line I've ever see for a trailer.

I remember reading about this a long time ago and always wondered why this wasn't a film or TV movie. Seems absolutely ripe for drama.

It's fantastic that Lilly now feels comfortable to say who she is and all.

Leslie Jones still acting like a caricature of an African American woman from the 70s. Sigh.

Now I have a name for those terrible CoC commercials.

Very entertaining, thoughtful, and well done interview.

Went and saw, at my own free will, the OLDBOY remake. Man oh man was this a misguided attempt by Spike Lee and everyone involved. Props to Brolin though for making a convincing fighter though. Still, just so tone deaf and completely missing the point of what made the original one of the best pieces of cinema for this

It never happened but watching my Mother struggle in her hopes to see Sawyer from LOST make it to the bitter end always added enjoyment when watching the show. For my money I had no doubt he was gonna die before the end and since this was her favorite character she was on pins and needles with the final season.

Looks boring, uninspired, and we have Leslie Jones playing THE SAME CHARACTER no matter what she's in.

Wow, the studio didn't ban critics from reviews until Friday? Bold/stupid movie there studio.