Michael Nagle

You know what this means:

Probably the angriest I've ever seen John Oliver. Going to assume this was a long time coming and he did this at the right time.

Look, I know NOTHING about this woman and if she works for FOX News I immediately dislike her.

The previews make me think this is a longer form story of THE IMPOSTER. Which is based on a real life incident.

Was anyone else happy with how this show was directed? There's a few hiccups (as always in live television) but this was the best looking/produced show in quite some time. It ran long too but I never got that 'move on with it' vine at all…except when the Minions came on. Ugh.

I SOOOOOOO want NEXTWAVE to be a thing in the Cinematic/TV universe for Marvel. I know that's not the point of Ellis's series but to market it in a way as a subversive look at the Marvel Universe as a whole would do wonders, I think, for this stagnate brand. You'd have to change Tabitha Smith as an….(sigh) Inhuman but

I love Chow's work. But who cares if Sony dropped the ball on it's release schedule in the U.S.? As long as word of mouth is good like here then people will flock to it.

A revenge story taking place in the 1800s where Tom Hardy (and a very good supporting cast) plays a madman?

No del Toro for the sequel? What's the fucking point?

I love this show but I'm kicking myself Mike doesn't have his own spinoff. I mean this is as much his series as Saul's; but god damn every scene of his in this run is gold.

Playing two sides of the coin here:

Geez, Netflix is just getting worse and worse when it comes to acquiring movies/TV shows. Original content is fine but I wanna see good movies for a change like when I first signed up for the service and not just rely on DVDs.

This is the greatest idea of a talk show ever.

I guess it's bad to say I actually kinda like these "art" performances he's doing. I mean I WOULDNT call them art but…I don't know, I think it's neat.

Which is mindboggling cause the PR nightmares if either side is wrong would kill them. If Dr. Luke is indeed a rapist then what the fuck does that mean for Sony? And if Kesha was just lying incredibly hard to get out of a simple contract what does that say about Sony's hiring process.

I know, I KNOW, I'm gonna get crucified here. In NO way am I going to advocate anything negative towards women or the increase plight they go through with these kind of cases.

Oh boy…count me out.

All good examples of why the title cards/sequences are a lost art. When I was a kid I always looked forward to see what the theme songs were in contrast to the content. Thanks to advertisements though a lot either have trumpcated intros or don't even bother. A show like THE FLASH should have some sort of kick ass

All baggage aside, I just don't see how Gibson could have done this film. If he was maybe 10-15 years younger maybe. But he is far too old now to be doing some of the things Hardy was required to do in this version of Mad Max. Plus a friendship between him and Furiosa doesn't seem it would fly cause of the massive age

Big time in the comics especially right now. (So sorry if I spoiled for that for you). It's one of the biggest crimes this show has made is by ruining her character to the point where they had to kill her off cause of massive, negative fan reaction.