Michael Nagle

Also, this deserves a separate comment, I fucking hate Jai Courtney. The blandest of all the action stars. He is desperately trying to do a Tom Hardy impression cause if you remember he was suppose to be in this film. As a separate character to be fair but I am totally getting a 'Just act like this bloke!' from Ayers

Still have no desire to see this. Looks stupid, the overall look is too dirty (aka a David Ayers film), and it just feels like a desperate attempt for the WB to make their own GOTG-like film.

Tom breaking down Hugh Glass actually makes me dislike THE REVENANT even more.

In all my years as a Simpsons fan the fact that Apu is voiced by a white man has never bothered me. I totally get the criticism and maybe he is still a bit of a caricature at times. But the dude went from just a 7/11 knockoff to a man with feelings and emotions. I watched him get married, have kids, get divorced AND

One addendum to my weekend:

Thanks! I'll have to give them a try.

Every time I see an ad for this the same thought crossed my mind:

I just watched a bunch of movies to and thought about what my favorite movies of last year was. Wrote a blog post about it which I put a link down below. Basically a good amount of action films, a documentary on a disbanded film company, a Tarantino flick, and the best horror film of the year made my list. I must

Thanks! Unfortunately I live in LA now so next time I come back to NYC I'll try it.

Watch out, this kitten got claws!

That book about NYC pizza is a great idea. Cause I've been to the city many times and I couldn't tell you what's an actual good place for pizza. I mean any pizza I've had living in the East Coast is great for me.

I smell a future Flophouse episode!

I mean say what you will on how he interacts with both of his shows now a days. There is no denying that two times in a row he created franchises with wonderful characters and got the best writers & animators to make the show work. So I am excited to see what he brings for future creators to evolve with in the future.


It's not 100% confirmed but it looks like this was filmed as a separate movie entirely but worked into as a CLOVERFIELD pseudo-sequel at the last second.

I am SHOCKED that in this day and age a move like this could be hidden for so long and so successfully too.

Man I wish I could do that kind of stuff. I always try to get one going but as soon as I realize I'm in a dream I wake up. Or, for some reason, my mind decides to turn the dream into a nightmare to scare me up.

A few years ago I saw MIDNIGHT IN PARIS which, I find anyways, to be Woody Allen's best film. It's an incredible love letter to Paris of old and it inspired me. Seriously I've never had a film impact me so greatly than that film. So what did I do? I put up a ton of money and went to the city by myself for a week.

My very first music purchase was getting the initial NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL MUSIC. It had the song 'Karma Police' by Radiohead which I can safely say is my favorite song of all time (well at the time of this post). So I'm not sure if it's because of this CD or what but I thank the company for getting me into Radiohead

Why WWI? Her origin is clearly set during WWII. I don't get the time change there.