Michael Nagle

Not even Jackson got nominated for some kind of acting category. That speech he makes to end the first half is almost as equal to his monologue in Pulp Fiction.

Let the dude do a small film or two before jumping back into MAD MAX. Considering how long it took to get FURY ROAD an actual film I think a break is in order.

If there is one person who can bring my early, childhood nightmares to fruition it is del Toro.

I am flabbergasted HATEFUL EIGHT got snubbed on the Writing, Directing, and Best Picture nominations. Say what you will about the film but even if it doesn't have a chance to win the Academy usually still nominates QT films to keep the masses happy. Really upset that isn't the case this year.

Yeah that seems to be the issue too. When he writes his own material you know you're getting a slow burn.

I personally liked this movie but not loved it. The problem is, and the comments AND this article shows, is that people were expecting another DRIVE. But if you look at Refn's other films, DRIVE is kind of an outlier. I mean I like his other films too but they don't have the same excitement and performances that DRIVE


I appreciate Viggo as an actor. He could've done SO much after the LOTR films and the world was basically his oyster as an actor. But he decided to say no thanks to any mainstream/major blockbuster features and go back to do super indie work. Even when he does more major work it still isn't something I would consider

You know, I always wanted a show with the FULL HOUSE gang but not in the same universe.

Doomsday is just a resurrected Zod. Calling it.

I can already tell Ralph Fiennes is gonna be amazing in this.

Yet another trend of an indie Director rising up the ranks way too quickly.

It's just another reminder that people latch on to pop culture and will immediately forget what's important. This is a big deal that two people more than likely went to prison unjustly. But I guarantee you that in a few weeks the majority of the public is going to forget about it. Not all, but a good amount where

The Fargo snubs were infuriating…but hey this is the foreign press and not the Emmys. Come later this year we'll see Fargo either sweep or get what they deserve.

I was really interested in this until I just saw the trailer.

Wow, Tony Stark flips the script for the sequel! Must've took the writer like, five seconds to think of that twist.

On one hand I applaud this person for taking so much time to make such a weird cut. It would be interesting to see this be done in other films.

I still don't understand why this, and Brendan's other statements that were taped, were used as evidence. It has to be clear to ANYONE that he was being coerced into saying what the cops wanted to hear and Brendan is a mentally incompetent witness.

There's big differences between those shows. SUNNY is a comedy that showcases how terrible people are. There's no through-line or endgame, just endless episodes of people acting like shit.

Pretty cool thing people have come up with.