Michael Nagle

I don't hate George Lucas. Motherfucker made the greatest series, arguably, ever and had a hand in another with Indiana Jones.

Yeah I don't get this recent trend of people, this site included, saying 'The Prequels weren't THAT bad'. Clearly just trying to grasp at straws to find some sort of entertaining people wasted on for ten years with those things.

Cause we all know when there is no endgame in mind shows can last for a very long time and never dip in quality.

What a big fuck you to Colin. They probably are in pre-production for Episode IX so I doubt they can actually do this. Which I'm sure they won't. Lucas doesn't want to admit it but his reputation as a filmmaker has been tarnished forever with those prequels.

What has been solved or at least brought some change with this petition service this administration has?

Listen, I like Emma Stone. In fact I love her. I am a grown ass man but if I had a 'celebrity crush' it would be Emma Stone.

Is she a Julianne Moore/Tilda Swinton level talent?

Both Goggins and Russel felt they needed to do a second Western while filming HATEFUL EIGHT.

The more I think about these films the stronger my opinions on them grows.

It is interesting how it has completely disappeared from the public after Oscar season.

The more I've thought about it since that post the more negative I am on the film.

Would he be considered the lead? I never can figure out how the Academy classify them sometimes.

Me and my sister tried watching this again two years ago. Barely could make it through the pilot…

I love it that this show killed this pointless streaming service. It should've died but instead it took some victims along with it.

Has anyone been listening to the new Achievement Hunter podcast? I personally like it because it's practically the RT podcast but with the AH guys. It's just really great to hear Geoff in a podcast/storytelling mode setting again.

Even if the guy is guilty, which I don't think he is, you have to let him go.

American Crime….Boy I wish I could be excited for that cause it looks good.

I agree 100% on Tom Hardy's role in this. I seriously though Jackson had a Supporting Actor role in the bag for HATEFUL EIGHT but now I can't see anyone but Hardy. He adds a lot of depth, very subtly, to a coward role and that speech he gives about God was outstanding. I think Leo deserves a win here too. He put up

Well I agree Django is a 'weak' outing by him. (And he probably won for best screenplay just because the Academy shafted him for Basterds.)

I'm not saying Jackson's story didn't go a tad over the top. (I NEVER need to see him get a BJ in any capacity ever again.) But considering, like the film states countless times, how terrible of a life all African Americans had at this time the fact he tortures one white man (that we see anyways) is justified for me.